It is common that in the course of your life you face some challenges and problems and that you decide to improve.
Or that you just resolve yourself to make some personal development.
Although there are tons of books out, In this post recommend the top 5 best books on personal development that will help you get better
Why should you read personal development books?

When it comes to personal development, the thousands of books out there contain tons of accumulated knowledge.
Imagine a problem that you have been facing in your life this whole time and know you realize that the solution this whole time lay in a book,
Surprising isn’t it?!
The thing is books on personal development can help you in so many things in your life
For example, you might be going through some rough times with depression,
And that you are at a point where you find no reason to continue moving forward, then you should consider looking for a solution to that
one of these can be found in a book by an author who passed through the same thing that you are going through
Even with your finances, sometimes you have bad management of your finances and you are undisciplined
There are books out there that can help you develop a new mentality on your mode of living
Read also: The Top 5 best books for investment
Top 5 Best Books on Personal Development
1. How to win Friends & influence people by Dale Carnegie

You might say this is not a book for you especially if you are someone who heartens loneliness. I thought so too when I read the title of this book.
But it will be wrong to judge this book by its cover.
This book goes from the simple ability to learn how to convince people to influence them and having to impact their lives which are the traits of a leader.
The precepts this book offers are very simple and universal. Be it on public speaking or in human relationships he tells us to smile and be friendly, not to argue or find fault.
He most likely invites us into living a meaningful life by giving us sensible advice to follow.
This aside, I enjoyed Carnegie’s book( the author) because it isn’t academic and impractical. Its principles are immediately applicable and I found myself taking steps to strengthen and improve my personal and working relationships before I’d even finished reading.
In his own words, “perusing it won’t do you any good unless you apply it,” and the book empowers you to do this by encapsulating the ‘think big, act small, move fast’ approach.

2. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E.Frankl

If I was to recommend a book that everyone must read during the course of their lives then that will be this book.
As you know from the name of our website, if you are willing to find your purpose in life then you should pursue meaning and that’s what the author of this book expresses
The author of Man’s Search for Meaning is a psychotherapist named Viktor Frankl, who spent four years of his life in Nazi camps
After the war, he wrote and published his first book that’s Man’s search for meaning
In which he explained that each and everyone has the desire to find their purpose in life no matter what they are going through.
The other important thing he mentions in this book is the fact that,
The only thing that can never be taken from someone is their freedom to choose our behavior in a given circumstance even when we suffer
If you are able to find your meaning in life you will be able to move forward even after you have experienced the worst experiences.
Give this inspirational, life-changing, and eye-opening book a try

3. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R.Covey

The title of this book doesn’t reflect what is being taught in this book
The author Stephen Covey gives us 7 habits that we should adopt in our lives in other to be more effective
These 7 habits apply to anything you are doing or that you want to do, which means this book cans serve you as a guide with practices to help you go through stages
What are the 7 habits of highly effective people:
- Habit 1: Be Proactive
Focus and act on what you can control and influence instead of what you can’t. - Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
Define clear measures of success and a plan to achieve them. - Habit 3: Put First Things First
Prioritize and achieve your most important goals instead of constantly reacting to urgencies. - Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Collaborate more effectively by building high-trust relationships. - Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Influence others by developing a deep understanding of their needs and perspectives. - Habit 6: Synergize
Develop innovative solutions that leverage differences and satisfy all key stakeholders.
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Increase motivation, energy, and work/life balance by making time for renewing activities.
If you want to learn more about this book you can get it here

4. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

This book is the guide to being successful, it illustrates how you don’t need to be a super-intelligent or unique person to have success
All you need to do is think in a way that can cultivate success
At the beginning of this book, you will just find what you expect things like
Believe you can succeed and you will
But as long as you advance and that you reach the part when he develops the whole Thing Big thing
Then you are like WOW! Finally
He has some lifelong lessons that he advises in this book like
- Be Human
Give anyone the benefit of doubt by considering that anyone is good until he proves you wrong, have patience - Think it’s possible and make it so
Have some optimistic thoughts, but don’t just think it’s possible and stand there not making it be. You should act in a way as to make it possible - Ignore the haters
A simple piece of advice but you should always remember there will always be haters and if someone is a downer, a gossiper, a mean person you should just ignore them - Move one step at the time
Here the author emphasizes the importance of incremental steps, repetition of small steps that will lead you to the top
There are more of these in the book and you can get it here

5. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Awaken the giant within is one of this top 5 best books on personal development because it explains how to take immediate control over your life
Over the years the author Robbins has become an acknowledged expert in the field of psychology.
His book is a step-by-step program intended to teach his readers some of the fundamental laws of self-mastery.
It will learn you to discover your purpose, how to take control over your life, and how to awaken and nurture the forces that will shape your future
This book is really worth reading only if you apply what you read.

As I said from the beginning of this post, self-help books can guide you on a more meaningful path in your life.
You can always get a preview of these books on google.
If you have any problem obtaining these books contact us and give us your inquiry
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[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What books should I read for personality development?” answer-0=”1. How to win Friends & influence people by Dale Carnegie
2. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E.Frankl
3. The 7 Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R.Covey
4. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz 5. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins” image-0=”670″ headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Can Books improve personality?” answer-1=”When it comes to personal development, the thousands of books out there contain tons of accumulated knowledge. Imagine a problem that you have been facing in your life this whole time and know you realise that the solution this whole time lay in a book ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What is the best personal development book?” answer-2=”How to win Friends & Influence People is the best self-help book. The principle taught in this book are immediately applicable and when reading you find yourself taking steps to strengthen and improve your personal and working relationships” image-2=”297″ headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”What books should i read?” answer-3=”Self-help books are a good way to go when you want to improve yourself in the order of personality. You can also try Investment books if you want to improve your ability to earn, spend and manage mony” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]
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