Top 5 best books you should read in your 20s!

The best 5 books recommendation.

Books are changing life tools that can help someone elevate his soul and reach not only success in life but also achieve some self-development. These top 5 best books will help you in doing so.

If you have self-existential questions like, why was I sent on earth? 

Then these are the top 5 books of those books out there with which you can find answers to your questions.

It is really outstanding how books can change your perspective of life. 


They can make you expand your mindset and help you acquire a tremendous amount of knowledge.

That’s why when we are young the first things we are thought are to read and write. The first aptitude is to help you acquire the second.

If you know how to read then you will be able to learn(while reading) how to write. It is so surprising the extent to which our ability to read can call forth other abilities.


These are the Top 5 best books you should read in your 20s and the books I will recommend in this post are as always the ones I have already read and that had a very huge impact in my life.

The top 5 best books you should read in your 20s I am going to discuss about are:

  1. Rich dad poor dad
  2. Limitless by Jim Kwik
  3.  The subtle art of not giving a f*ck
  4.  How to win friends and influence people
  5. 12 rules for life: An antidote to chaos

top 5 books to read in your 20s

Why these top 5 books in your 20s?


For most people, your 20s is the decade you learn how to be an adult, between having your first serious relationship and taking the steps of your first career. 


It is called the Defining Decade. 


That’s, why that moment must be prepared, you should be ready to get into that part of your life. 


The books ill recommend to you are just like a spar-training session that will permit you to know how your skills and the extent to which you can go ( your endurance) so that when you will be confronted with some situations you will know when to keep your sword sheathed.

Rich dad poor dad

rich dad poor dad

As popular as this book is I am sure you have already read if not then you are in big trouble. You should stop all that you are doing now and read this book.


In this book Robert Kiyosaki, the author discusses about his experience of having two dads, one poor, and one rich.

The poor dad had a vision of money, life, and freedom that was different from that of his rich dad.


This book is different from all that you have read up till today because it will change your vision of money. You will never see money the same way again


Also, this book will speak to you more if you intend of:

  • Being an entrepreneur
  • Becoming an investor
  • Becoming rich
  • Being financially free
  • Make money work for you
  • Teach yourself financial literacy 
  • Mind your own business
  • Your mind is your biggest asset
  • Get brave and think big 

You can obtain the book either digital or a softcopy by clicking on the link below


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This is also a very famous book that explores brain potential. It teaches how to expand the brain potential in other to learn faster and how a person can surpass his/her limit.

top 5 books to read in your 20s

At the beginning of the book, Jim Kwik walks through his life story and the struggles that nearly lead to his death. 

He also shared the story of how his grandmother had dementia and what it was like to slowly lose her as she lost her memory and self.

Then he tells the story of his triumph over his disabilities and how he now helps millions, including elite high-performers in all fields of work.

With what he had to overcome, I’ll take every bit of advice he gives. He is proof that these methods work and that the mind can be limitless.

Though the overview of this book might leave to think about supernatural phenomena, its main lessons are focused on mindset tips, motivation, and methods to implement your day-to-day life.

There isn’t any fluff in this book and I personally appreciate that in a book. Limitless used an appropriate amount of personal stories and experiences to show examples and emphasize points.

You can get the digital copy of this book by clicking on the following link

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The subtle art of not giving a f*ck

top 5 books to read in your 20s

The title of this book is pretty clear I would say. It is a self-help book that will teach you how to take things as they come. 

Mark Manson the author, firstly identifies that there are going to be a lot of problems in your life and the only way to make your way through that is to identify which problems require maximum attention and consequently pay attention to them.

One of the lessons it teaches that really got into me was that nowadays when something happens to you people will just say think positive. 

Which is a wrong idea as he says in his book. Thinking positive isn’t going to bring you anywhere instead you should get up and go fix the problem. 

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

how to influence people and win firends

You might say this is not a book for you especially if you are someone who hearten loneliness. I thought so too when I read the title of this book.

But it will be wrong to judge this book by its cover.

This book goes from the simple ability to learn how to convince people to influence them and having to impact their lives which are the traits of a leader. 

The precepts this book offers are very simple and universal. Be it on public speaking or in human relationships he tells us to smile and be friendly, not to argue or find fault. 

He most likely invites us in leaving a meaningful life by giving us sensible advice to follow.

This aside, I enjoyed Carnegie’s book( the author) because it isn’t academic and impractical. Its principles are immediately applicable and I found myself taking steps to strengthen and improve my personal and working relationships before I’d even finished reading. 

In his own words, “perusing it won’t do you any good unless you apply it,” and the book empowers you to do this by encapsulating the ‘think big, act small, move fast’ approach. 

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12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

top 5 books to read in your 20s

 This book is one of the top 5 best books that basically and radically changed my life. It is a stern, strong-based, and entertaining self manual for young people. 

It lays out the simple principles that can help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, be responsible and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can.

It teaches us the different rules we should follow in other to have a more meaningful life. 

What are the 12 rules for life?

  1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back
  2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
  3. Make friends with people who want the best for you
  4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
  5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
  6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
  7. Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
  8. Tell the truth or, at least, don’t lie
  9. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t
  10. Be precise in your speech
  11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
  12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.

Jordan Peterson( the author) is a Canadian clinical psychologist, a professor, and a youtube personality. He publishes his lectures on his youtube channel and I will recommend anyone to follow his lectures 

Though there are a lot of controversies around him I think making abstraction of that and reading and understanding what he have to say and teach will change you

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The love or the appreciation of a book or a story is most of the time very subjective just like with film genre, anime genre, football genre, and all. Even the best books out there will always have these people popping out of nowhere with critics.


So my advice to that will just be that if you wanna read a book just get it, have some overview about it and get reading. Don’t take the critics about the book as a panacea no you wanna get an overview see if you are interested in the book and read it.

Read Also: Top 5 Best Books On Personal Development 

What should you read in your 20s

1. Rich dad poor dad 2. Limitless by Jim Kwik 3. The subtle art of not giving a f*ck 4. How to win friends and influence people 5. 12 rules for life: An antidote to chaos

why should you read before your 20s?

For most people, your 20s is the decade you learn how to be an adult, between having your first serious relationship to taking the steps of your first career. It is called the Defining Decade.

which book should a beginner read?

There are good books out there that a beginner may start reading. One of them is Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This book will teach anyone a new perception of money and it is by far the most beginner-friendly book that teaches so well money.

[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h4″ img=”” question=”What are the top 5 best books you should read in your 20s?” img_alt=”” css_class=””] 1. Rich dad poor dad 2. Limitless by Jim Kwik 3. The subtle art of not giving a f*ck 4. How to win friends and influence people 5. 12 rules for life: An antidote to chaos [/sc_fs_faq]




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